Sunday 25 December 2011

Hoe zou in een gelijkheids-geldsysteem betaald worden voor grondstoffen en energie en producten...??

Nou, alles wat we nu gebruiken en produceren in de vorm van levensbehoeftes en ook entertainment  als jullie allemaal al weten moet ervoor betaald worden. En wij weten ook allemaal dat we betalen omdat sommige bedrijven ons vertellen dat we dat moeten doen, omdat hun ervoor zorgen dat wij dat allemaal hebben, en kunnen krijgen of ervan genieten. Het huidige systeem is zo in mekaar gezet dat het lijkt alsof dat allemaal eerlijk is,dus dat jij moet betalen  omdat er iets wordt gemaakt of geproduceerd voor jou. Er was/is veel gedaan om jou zo ver te krijgen om dat allemaal te geloven, zo diep geloven dat jij tot de dag van vandaag het totaal hebt geaccepteerd, het is allemaal zogenaamd: ''normaal'' voor jou, niks mis mee...!!

Laten we gaan kijken of dat normaal is of niet als wij gebruik gaan maken van onze GEZONDE VERSTAND.

We beginnen met een vraag en van daaruit breiden we het verder uit.

Wat was als eerst de mens of het planeet....?? Jullie weten allemaal het antwoord op deze vraag, iedereen zal zeggen HET PLANEET natuurlijk.....dahhh....waar of niet waar...???

Dus als dat waar is en is niet eens te argumenteren dan weten we ook dat wij als de mens niks kunnen claimen hier op aarde en zeggen dat het van ons is, want wij zijn niet degenen die het hier hebben gezet, dus met andere woorden, wij zijn niet de scheppers van wat hier is als de aarde met alles erop en eraan. Maar nu hebben wij een stomme systeem in mekaar gezet die dat wel reflecteerd, dus die vorm geeft alsof wij de baas zijn of degenen zijn die de aarde hebben geschappen met alles erop en eraan. Het huidige systeem is één die gebaseerd is in schuld, dus dat de meerderheid van de mensheid schuldig zijn aan een kleine groep die doen alsof hun de baas zijn omdat ze de aarde wisten te mijnen en allerlei dingen maken en zodoende vinden dat,dat een perfect vorm is om van de anderen slaven te maken. Dingen ontdekken, maak niet dat jij ineens de baas bent of de baas kan spelen. Want je bent alleen maar iets aan het gebruiken, of beter gezegd misbruiken die al bestond en dan doe je dat op een verkeerde manier ook nog. In plaats van het gelijkelijk te delen met allen, gebruik je het om anderen gevangen te houden/nemen en niet alleen de mens, maar ook het dierenrijk en de natuur in zijn geheel en er wordt helemaal niet gekeken  naar wat voor consequenties er allemaal ervan uit zullen vloeien.

We zijn nu zo ver dat het systeem nu zelf de macht heeft over zijn meester. Kan je dat voorstellen...??  Jij maakt iets of geeft het leven zeg maar en op een gegeven moment heerst het over jezelf en het grappigste en domste over dit allemaal is ook dat het iets is die niet eens van belang is als levensbehoefte, dus dat je het niet kan ETEN b.v. om jezelf in leven te houden. Het is niet belangrijk, het is iets wat je ZONDER kan in deze wereld, het is niet noodzakelijk. Het maakt niet dat jou lichaam ademt, het maakt niet dat je kan lopen of slapen, dat je kan eten, het maakt niet dat jou hart klopt, het maakt niet dat de groenten en vruchten en allerlei vegetatie groeien, het maakt niet dat de dieren bestaan en leven, het maakt niet dat er water is, het maakt niet dat er zuurstof gemaakt wordt...enz enz........

Dus in een gelijkheids-geldsysteem wordt ''betalen'' meer als een vorm van gift, een soort als dank geven aan onszelf en de aarde voor wat het ons geeft, en we geven en delen aan mekaar en alles wat er al HIER is die onze lichamen nodig hebben om te functioneren in deze realiteit als de AARDE. Het geld in een gelijkheids-geldsysteem neemt een vorm aan van een makkleijke manier om die dingen tot jou toe te laten komen, een manier waar logistiek en distributie als beste georganiseerd wordt zodat ieder krijgt wat hij/zij nodig heeft om een waardig leven HIER te ervaren tot de dag van vertrek. En dit wordt door ONS allemaal bepaald, geen ene kleine groepje gaat bepalen wat er gedaan moet worden, wij bepalen het allemaal, dus daadwerkelijke samenwerking, niet dat kak wat nu uitgespuugd wordt over samenwerken, die alleen maar gebaseerd is op zelfingenomenheid/baatzuchtigheid.  Dus eindelijk wordt het woord: ''betalen'' gezien en gebruikt als een geschenk, een geschenk aan leven waar we alles wat er hier is schenken aan onszelf en alles, dus leven geven aan leven zelf, de ene echte VRIJHEID, er is geen ander vrijheid...!!

Dus energie en producten en grondstoffen worden allemaal ons als geschenken aangeboden, aan allen gelijkelijk...!! En niet gebruikt om slaven ermee te maken en te manipuleren voor macht en hebzucht.


Larry Manuela

Wil je onze groep steunen doe maar een koopje hier: eqafe

Weer je meer weten over gelijkheids-geldsysteem, dan lees onze artiekelen en kijk naar onze videotjes hier: equal money

En wil je meedoen en te weten komen hoe jou verstand in mekaar zit en hoe het werkt zodat je een verantwoordelijk mens wordt, doe het maar hier:Desteni I process

En wil je meer leren over wat er allemaal daadwerkelijk gebeurt hier op aarde en waarom en heel veel meer, ga maar hier: desteni universe

Monday 12 December 2011

No more politicians with the Equal Money System.

These people that you are calling politicians are the people that has convinced you through their campaign that they are going to save you from whatever it is you are going through as in a society and most of the time they are the people who has programmed themselves with the so-called higher learning, meaning that they know more of what is going on in the area's that are being kept hidden from the public view, you know what i mean, in things like justice, economics and some other sciences. Understand that these people no matter what they have learned in the universities that they went to, all of that was/is based on: '' how to keep the system as it is going/in tact''

That is why you are seeing all this mess in this world, because they have no solutions, they never learned how to solve real physical problems and use common sense and see what is acceptable or not for all living being and just do it..!!! If it is not acceptable you just stop the shit and do that which is acceptable, no matter what and no matter how many will not see it at first, you will stick to what is best for all.

But yet can you see the world changing when you are electing these people to take office, because you have given  your power away, your responsibility to them...??? The very fact that you are believing that just because you voted for them that now they have to do what you should be doing for yourself when you go out and have fun, and then something happen that mess up your fun, you become angry because they are not doing what they should have been doing on your behave, i mean how crazy is this...?? The whole blaming scenario steps in, in that particular moment and depending on the severity of the problem as like we have now in this world today, it will most likely become worse and worse, people demanding this or that, when all the time it is all of us our own mistakes and we are all the cause of all the problems through our acceptances and allowances. Everyone is self-responsible for everything that is so-called: ''bad'' ''wrong'' negative'' in this world. All those things that are man-made and are destroying life in all aspects. All those things that YOU know you will not want nor like nor wish for yourself nor your loved one's.

So to believe that there will come one(1) individual who is going to save your ass, is not going to happen, because no-one is going to take this responsibility that is a responsibility of each participant. You are going to have to learn how to live as a self-responsible human being and trust yourself so you can trust others,one that does not give his power away to an individual or a little group to do the things that he himself must do, and all of that in accordance to what is best for all life always.

So within an equal money system politicians will not exist anymore, because we will live in a society of individuals who are all self-responsible and know that by doing, by living always what is best for all is also best for them to. We move as a group as one body, in this case humanity being the one body with all the little bodies that you will call individuals. And we make sure that not ONE in this group is cared for less or has nothing, or is being harmed in anyways whatsoever,the group works for the group as a group through the individuals that forms the group.


Larry Manuela

Want to support us, do it Here: eqafe

If you want to learn very effective critical thinking and effective common sense, i will suggest you go here:



Equal Money

Saturday 10 December 2011

No More Meditation in an Equal Money System.

Meditation in this world is a process as you already know of sitting and contemplating,having a reflection, or as in religious sense, being devout, and as in spirituality we are dealing with introspection.

Now all this none-sense has to do with the mind, a state of mind where one tries to experience a state of mind that is very relaxed and where one believe one can then see what is going on in the mind so to speak. Within all this there is this great talks that all those spiritual master teachers are talking about,the they have reached an exalted state of mind where they are always in bliss, that they call oneness. They have given many names to many of those states of minds, they call them: Nirvana, Christ-consciousness, God-consciousness, Higher-Self........ and you name it, but these are all states of mind that they believe themselves to be going through and that they are somehow evolving as a spiritual being, and within all this you have all kinds of variations to, like in the New-Age believe system where you will meet people who are trying their best to experience  light and love, which to them is the ultimate experience one can have and in that, one becomes very benevolence. Then you also have those who believe that during their little meditation they are leaving their body and are traveling to different planets and also different realities where they are being taught by some exalted being of light and love who are teaching them how to become some planetary logos, or cosmic warrior, or learning to become part of a galactic federation of light and love. And then you have also your so-called channelers who are portraying that they are channeling some being from some higher realm who is taking over their body for a while and are here with a message, and this message is always the same: '' love and light in the future''

Now within an equal money system all these none-senses will end..!!

Why..??  Because we are going to learn how to live practically HERE on this planet, we are not going to have any mind projection in some exalted realm or some stupid thing that is not HERE for all as a living reality physically. This is the point that is being missed within all these meditations, that they are forgetting where they are in the moment, that they are HERE on this planet and that there are things happening that they DO know about, but are using meditation as a way out so to speak, it is like turning a blind eye to the atrocities that are going on in this world. Within this they are then refusing to take their responsibility and are even saying that their responsibility is to make sure they reach that higher state while they are HERE, and if they do,because understand that many are meditating for years to get some experience of some higher state, and if they do experience it, they will become even worse believing themselves to be some higher being in this body in this world and never questioning how a kind of being like that would walk around being all so-called powerful with the power of love and grace and all the none-sense and has absolutely no power whatsoever to do nothing to bring about a change in this world, their higher exalted state of being that they believe they are in the body cannot even STOP their deaths, and has NO power in this physical reality at all. But do they care...???  Of course not..!!!  Because to them, it is done they have reached that which they wanted and spent years learning ''how to'' and that's it. They can now walk and talk and believe themselves now to be a being of light with a message and try to reel people in and convincing them that, that is the way out of the suffering to reach such a state.

So meditation as it exist right now will not exist in an equal money system.

In the initial stages of the system coming into place we can use some techniques of meditation as a point of observation of one own thoughts, feelings and emotions so one can work with them, and sort them out and in every action during  the day or night in a practical way. But when the system is full in gear and has been going on for some years and new children are born within this system, meditation will slowly but surely loose it's need, because all the children will learn from the very start how to be HERE, wherever they are in all dimensions of existence and can communicate to with every expression as themselves in all of existence effortlessly in every breath at any given moment.

Understand that an equal money system is a system that facilitates the basic requirements and needs of all living things in the best possible way, so all can live in dignity equally on this planet. And don't be afraid of loosing your individuality, because you won't.  You will still be an individual but one who live as group, and the group is also an individual as your greater body, and we move like this, then we have real ONENESS. Every part moving as parts and as a whole equally.


Larry Manuela

Join us at: desteni    Destonians      Equal Money

And like to help us, buy our products here: eqafe

Want to be a member and join the group and change yourself: Desteni I Process

Stop Depression, Recession, Repression with an equal money.

Now let us look at the definition of those words within a dictionary.
For this i am using the website.


the act of depressing.
the state of being depressed.
a depressed  or sunken place or part; an area lower than the surrounding surface.
sadness; gloom; dejection.
Psychiatry . a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason. Compare clinical depression.
dullness or inactivity, as of trade.
Economics . a period during which business, employment, and stock-market values decline severely or remain at a very low level of activity.
the Depression. Great Depression.
Pathology . a low state of vital powers or functional activity.
Astronomy . the angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon; negative altitude.
Surveying . the angle between the line from an observer or instrument to an object below either of them and a horizontal line.
Physical Geography . an area completely or mostly surrounded by higher land, ordinarily having interior drainage and not conforming to the valley of a single stream.
Meteorology . an area of low atmospheric pressure.
the act of receding  or withdrawing.
a receding  part of a wall, building, etc.
a withdrawing procession, as at the end of a religious service.
Economics . a period of an economic contraction, sometimes limited in scope or duration. Compare depression ( def. 7 )

the act of repressing;  state of being repressed.
Psychoanalysis . the rejection from consciousness of painful or disagreeable ideas, memories, feelings, or impulses.
Now all these words have relationship with one another in all kinds of relationships that is in existence in this world, and in the case of the great depression, depression in the economic sense of the word has taken even the stand as the emotional turmoil within the psyche of men, and where in the physical living of man as the being, as the physical body has gone through great pain, of course because there was no food, or very little just because all have agreed that in order for one and all to live on this planet we need to pay someone to be able to do this, which has become our real enslavement. So the moment we agreed either passively or tacitly or actively to it, it is still here as OUR experience, all of it. 
You can see that, within this stupid agreement that we agreed upon has brought about the suffering of many in this world for centuries upon centuries, and even when we read about it, when we experience it either physically ourselves or we see the shit happening  to others we still want to blame the doer(s), instead of looking that we are all HERE, the one who is being active and the one who is being inactive= the one who is allowing it. So we are ALL responsible. Why is it so difficult for you to see, that ALL the things that you do NOT want in this world to happen to you, should be your responsibility, so it doesn't happen to you nor anyone else, but just because it is not happening to you in the moment does not mean it never will, and maybe it won't, but what about the one's you left behind, that you are saying and bribing about that you love so much...??? What about them, do you really love them so much that you will make sure that the world they're going to live in will be a place where they don't have to own nor owe anyone to keep themselves alive when every fucking thing they need in order to be alive is HERE provided for/by the planet, which is OUR REAL home, even as the physical body that you are, within this reality of EARTH.
Now understand that this whole agreement was done in a way that you MUST be in DEBT to someone always. As long as you believe and try to find ways to continue with this system as it exist now, you will keep on experiencing the suffering, the wars and all the other atrocities that are HERE in the name of man. And not only the human goes through this, it is also the plants, the animals,and nature in it's entirety. Ohhh yes, i forgot, you don't give a f*** about them anyways, because somehow you see yourself as better as more capable then them, because you can built roads and bridges and computers and you name it, but there is one thing that you are not seeing, that those other life-forms are showing you in your face, but you still don't see it, and that is: '' they know how to live as what they are, and be one and equal with nature, because they have an understanding that without the greater they cannot be them, so they work with it, and not against it''  But we the humans are very stupid we are working and making sure that we destroy our very home and as fast as possible and keep on blaming the one's that are actually doing it, meanwhile we are just standing on the side road and watch it all happen and complain and justify and abdicate our responsibility to all this stupidity.
Within an equal money system all this will END....!!!!
We as a group will not accept nor allow such stupidity and atrocity and abuse to life to exist, because we are HERE and we are all HERE, so all will stand for life and make sure that everything that all the BODIES require in order to live as best as possible is always taken care of by and through ourselves. No-one is going to have any depression within this system because you will always have all your needs taken care of, and you will as an individual give to all so you to may receive, so you will NEVER loose. This is a win/win solution. 
Within an equal money system we make sure that the point of distributing the basic needs and the means to make sure that you always act in the best way possible as your EXPRESSION, is HERE and it will not be a point where you are going to be asked to do it, you will be self-responsible and see for yourself in any given moment what is necessary to be done in any given moment, that is best for all life.
So, Depression, Recession and Repression are a thing of the past within the equal money system, because with this system we take the fear of survival out of the equation and with this also the fear of trusting oneself to trust others, because how can you trust others when you can't even trust yourself..?? So you are going to practically learn how to trust YOU in order for you to live as trust as YOU and then you can trust ALL the others who are also learning to trust themselves so we can then have a true ONENESS in trust, because we are all living that which is TRUST. 

So equal money is a system of TRUST, a system of; 'loving thy neighbor as thyself,'  a system of supporting LIFE, a system where all expressions are lived at their very best in accordance to what is best for all, always.


Larry Manuela

Want to support us please buy some products and educate yourself here: eqafe

Need more investigations follow us here:

And are you ready to change yourself in order to bring about a world that is best for all, than apply yourself here: Desteni I process

Thursday 8 December 2011

Communisme en Gelijkheids-geldsysteem, zijn ze hetzelfde...???

Nou laten we kijken wat Communisme allemaal wilden veranderen.

Karl Marx had een idee om de elite omver te gooien met hun kapitalistische systeem, die hun aardig onder controle hadden en nog steeds hebben. Het ideologie van Karl Marx heeft geen licht gezien hier op aarde, en tegen de tijd dat het bij Lenin en anderen als een politieke standpunt werd genomen door revolutie werd er heel veel mensen de dood ingejaagd. En allemaal alleen maar om aan macht te komen door het ideologie van Karl Marx als propaganda te gebruiken maar niet daadwerkelijk alle facetten ervan te gaan implementeren als hun uiteidenlijk aan de macht zijn gekomen. Uiteidenlijk kwam er een soort staat tevoorschijn binnen die hele communistische beweging dat alles en iedereen onder controle nam, en zodoende weer een oppermacht creert binnen die hele systeem.

Heel die ideologie had een uitganspunt geworteld in polariteit. Ze hadden toen niet dieper nagedacht dat als je veranderingen wilt brengen moet je alles en iedereen in consideratie nemen en niet een systeem of een idee bedenken waarin een groep buiten wordt gehouden, want dat op zich creert frictie, precies wat we nu hebben binnen onze huidige kapitalistische systeem, die de meerderheid buitenspel houdt, en alleen maar misbruiken zodat de minderheid (elite) in een positie van macht te blijven verkeren over deze meerderheid. En hierdoor wordt de meerderheid onderworpen en als slaaf behandeld totdat er een moment opkomt waarin m'n niet meer zouden kunnen volhouden om in zo'n systeem te leven.

Wat wel sterk was in het communistische ideologie was het punt van ''samenwerken'' als een groep aan één doel.
Deze kunnen we wel gebruiken, maar dit keer niet om een ideologie te steunen en eraan te werken maar om LEVEN te steunen en eraan te werken als een gemeenschappelijke groep.

Nou met een gelijkheids-geldsysteem gaat niemand en ook geen ene minderheidsgroep aan de macht zijn, er zou geen ene regering bestaan..!!

Duidelijkheid en vertrouwen zullen gelijk aan de orde zijn binnen een gelijkheids-geldsysteem, en op het moment dat iets niet goed gaat of je hebt je benodigde levensonderhoud behoeftes door één of andere redenen niet ontvangen kan je gelijk gaan klagen bij de diverse kruisverwijzingspunten die er zullen bestaan.

Het hele gelijkheids-geldsysteem is meer in het leven geroepen als een punt van distributie en logistiek, want dit is in werkelijkheid alles wat we vanaf het begin af aan hadden moeten doen met de bronnen die de aarde ons rijkelijk geeft om te kunnen overleven op een gelijkwaardige manier, om een bestaan te hebben waarin we NIET hoeven te betalen om te leven zoals nu het geval is, waar ik echt geen woorden voor heb hoe wij dit konden laten gebeuren. Stel je maar eens voor dat wij als mensheid de enigste soort is die betalen om te leven op deze planeet. Uiterste stommiteit..!!

Dus nogmaals LEVEN steunen en assisteren is HET beginspunt  binnen het gelijkheids-geldsysteem, waarin de EGO neergelegd zou worden en zodoende plaats maakt voor gelijkheid als groep.

Binnen een gelijkheids-geldsysteem bepaald het groep de richting en hoe het groep als groep functioneert en het beste manier ontplooien om deze tot in alle eeuwigheid te leven, om leven te geven aan leven zelf, waarin leven uiteindelijk GELEEFD wordt en niet misbruikt wordt zoals nu het geval is door onze huidige kapitalistische systeem van macht en hebzucht voortvloeiend uit onze zelf-gecreerde angst om te overleven.

Dus het is overduidelijk het verschil tussen een gelijkheids-geldsysteem en een communistische systeem.

Gelijkheids-geldsysteem = LEVEN steunen.
Communistische systeem = polariteit/separatie steunen.


Wil je ons steunen, doe maar een koopje hier: eqafe

En als je meer wilt weten over het gelijkheids-geldsysteem, bezoek het volgende sites:
equal money

Larry Manuela

Sunday 4 December 2011

Is gelijkheids-geldsysteem niet alleen maar Communisme..??

Communisme zoals het door Karl Marx en Friedrich Engels gepresenteerd werd als de harde kern van het hele communistische ideologie werd nooit werkelijkheid. Hun ideen waren meer gebaseerd en hadden een uitgangspunt van polariteit, in dit geval tegen de elite, tegen de kapitalistische systeem die de elite rijkelijk en ordelijk gebruik van maakt.
Het communisme die naderhand  uitvloeide zoals wij het nu kennen, werd zelfs gesteunt door het kapitalistisch systeem toen der tijd. Het had nooit waarde gehecht aan LEVEN, zijn waarde lag in het ideologie, en deze ideologie was niet gebaseeerd op: '' wat het beste is voor allen.''

In een gelijkheids-geldsysteem die wij suggereren bestaat er alleen maar één wet, en dat is met name: '' wat het beste is voor allen.'' Dit is het fundamentele en het fundatie van gelijkheid en het gelijkheids-geldsysteem.
Dit allemaal is gebaseerd op gezamenlijke besluitvorming van ALLE participanten/deelnemers, wat niet bestond in communisme. Want zoals jullie al weten in communisme had je nog steeds te maken met: ''de staat'' die alles regelde en alles bepaalde buiten alle deelnemers om. En zodoende zou de staat dan nog steeds macht hebben over de bevolking, en daarmee bepalen hoe en wat er allemaal door de bevolking gedaan moet worden, volgens het communistische ideologie.

Nou op de manier hoe communisme in de westerse wereld aan de orde werd gebracht door de media en ook de politici en met opzet, kwamen er oorlogen ervan uit om geld te verdienen, en ook maakten ze veel profijt ervan voor de bedrijven door de jaren heen. Er heerst een grote angst als iemand zich zou onderworpen om de principes van profijt onder de loep te nemen en vragen begint te stellen.

De minderheid die zich de elite noemen in deze wereld hebben alles gedaan om zichzelf te beschermen om die, al zo mooie posities te bekleden van elitisme, en maakte dat iedereen in de westerse wereld met angst tegemoet ging voor de grote angst aanjagende monster die ''communisme'' genoemd werd.

Gelijkheids-geldsysteem en gelijkheid zijn met name geworteld in een soort gemeenschap leven.
Dit maakt dat elke individu binnen het gemeenschap altijd als een groep functioneerd, op een manier die altijd het beste is voor allen, en hierdoor is elke individu gelijk gewaardeerd.

Gelijkheids-geldsysteem is één en gelijk met het boodschap van Jezus: '' Jou naaste liefhebben als jezelf''
dit betekent dan dat wie dan ook die beweert dat een gelijkheids-geldsysteem een systeem is net als communisme, moet dan ook beweren dat de Christendom ook communisme is samen met het boodschap  van Jezus.

Dus iedereen kan proberen en wat dan ook beweren wat ze willen erover ( gelijkheids-geldsysteem), maar het in het praktijk brengen van dit systeem is gebaseerd op '' wat het beste is voor allen'' dus hiermee elke individu, en heeft GEEN ene fundering in geen één van de verkeerd gedirigeerde ideen van het communisme, en hiermee ook inbegrepen de kapitalisme.

Communisme, socialisme en kapitalisme verschillen alleen maar in machtsverschuiving, niet meer, niet minder..!!!
De minderheid die de elite wordt genoemd in deze wereld blijven altijd in hun positie met deze machsverschuiving. Er veranderd niks, helemaal niks voor hun, ze blijven hun positie van macht behouden, precies wat ze in vele generaties al hebben kunnen volhouden en met succes.

Wanneer het gaat over/om het gelijkheids-geldsysteem zou er niemand macht hebben, niemand zou authoriteit hebben. Deze hele charade die nu binnen de huidige politieke arena afspeelt en die geaccepteerd werd met z'n termen van authoriteit en macht en besluitvormingen die gebruikt werden binnen de context van naties en politieke partijen en regeringen zou ter einde komen.

Regeringen zullen simpelweg niet meer bestaan.!!
De enigste ding die geregeerd zou worden, is de distributie van de bronnen op een gelijkwaardige manier zodat iedereen krijgt wat hij/zij nodig heeft om te kunnen leven in daadwerkelijke vrijheid en alles zou ook op een manier geproduceerd worden dat het lang meegaat. Dus producten die gemaakt zullen worden zullen producten zijn die noodzakelijk zijn voor de mens en zou ook gelijk alles in consideratie genomen worden of het nou geen kwaad/schade veroorzaakt aan het gezondheid van de mens en ook hoe het product zo min mogelijke schade zou brengen aan het natuur en het dierenrijk. dus alles die gemaakt/geproduceerd zou worden zou altijd het beste zijn die we kunnen maken of produceren en altijd rekening houdende met alle levensvormen hier op aarde, dus niet alleen voor de mens.

Binnen het systeem van distributie in een gelijkheids-geldsysteem zou iedereen in staat zijn te kunnen klagen op het moment dat er een probleem onstaat of voorkomt.  En om te kunnen kijken dat alles goed functioneert en netjes verloopt zullen er meer dan genoeg kruisverwijzingspunten bestaan om zeker van te zijn dat geen ene individuele EGO ermee gaat bemoeien in elke stadium binnen het distributie systeem, en zodoende hebben we dan een soepele en effectieve afloop aan het LEVENS- STEUN binnen en door heel het systeem heen.

Wil je meer weten dan ga dan naar de volgende sites:

equal money system
desteni website

en als je ons wilt steunen kan je dat doen door producten te kopen die wij allemaal maken, op de website:



Larry Manuela

Saturday 19 November 2011


You see what you are wearing...?? why does it exist ..?? because of money...!!
You are driving your car, and why does it exist, because of money..!!
You go and lie down in your comfortable bed, and why does it exist, because of money..!!
You are partying all night, having fun, and why does it exist, because of money..!!
You take a walk in the park, and why does it exist, because of money..!!
You want to buy a drink...?? why does it exist, because of money..??
You want to go look for a partner to have sex with, and you put on your best dress, ready to kill, and why does it exist...?? because of money...!!
You are going to school...?? Why does it exist..?? because of money..!!
You live in a nice home..??  why does it exist...?? because of money...!!
You have a television at home..?? why does it exist..?? because of money..!!

So-called beautiful and clean people look like that, because of one thing and one thing only.......which is: money...!!
Your governments exist, because of one thing only, and that is money...!!
War exist, because of money..!!
Poverty exist because of money..!!
Starvation exist, because of money..!!
Animal extinction and termination exist, because of money..!!
Deforestation exist, because of money..!!
Airplanes exist, because of money..!!
Weapons exist, because of money..!!
Internet exist, because of money..!!
All your sports exist, because of money..!!
All the musics you hear on the radio that are famous exist, because of money..!!
Most of the instruments for making music exist, because of money..!!
All movies exist, because of money..??
All the equipments to make a movie exist, because of money..!!

I can go on forever like this mentioning a lot of things that if money was not behind it, it would not have been in existence at all. If you pay very good attention and be honest with yourself, you will see how money is behind everything that we use and every decision we make in the relationships we have within this reality, be it human, animal, plants and nature, the whole is behind it all.

So if we humans have given money so much power, even more power than LIFE so to speak, than the only thing we have to do is make it one and equal with life, where it will support life in this reality instead of abusing and raping it.

And equal money system is the only solution to this major problem we have created together, where we have placed value in money instead of in LIFE itself. Your reality, which is the physical reality and all it's physical expressions cannot exist if it wasn't for life, this reality is an expression of life that is being manipulated through and by money as the consequence of the greed of men. Now the consequence has become more than it's master,which is greed and greed as the master, that has become master over men, needs money to in order to exist.what a mess...!!!

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Larry Manuela

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Adultery mentioned in the sermon on the mount by Jesus.

Here i place what is written that Jesus said on that mount, which is considered the moment of his greatest teachings.

''You have heard that it was said, "You shall not commit adultery." But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
    If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell.

I am going to use some common sense for you the reader to see for yourself how many contradictions and deceit are in this whole quote.

Now the first sentence: ''You have heard that it was said, "You shall not commit adultery." But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 

This sentence is the only sentence in this whole quote that is of common sense, because the lust in you is in your mind, you are already imagining you having sexual intercourse with this woman, you take her for what she represent to you, for how she looks like and you rape her in your mind, you commit a crime even, which is rape, because you do not have her permission to have sex with her in your mind, but just because you know that she doesn't know that you are raping her in your mind, '' having sex with her.''

Now we move to the second and third sentence in this quote that is not of common sense.

 If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell.''

First of all in this same book the bible they rap about Hell being a place of suffering and eternal pain that you go to AFTER you have died. This means what...?? That your whole body cannot be thrown into hell because hell is the place of suffering and torture after dead, and your body is what is staying behind, your body is that which is not going with you in the HEREAFTER. You remember: '' dust to dust..!!!''

So within these two sentences is implying that it is your body that can go to hell, but then yet again hell is a place that you go to when you die, if you were very ''bad'' as a human here on this earth, and very ''bad'' in relation to the commandments that God placed before you.

And than again we can also use these same two sentences and place them in an commonsensical perspective and we will arrive at the following: '' if what you see, makes you stumble, it is better not to see what you want to see, because you will create the very thing you want to see, that will be a hell for you and everyone else. If what you touch makes you stumble, better not touch out of stumble because you will create only that which is a stumble for you and everyone else. Make your seeing and your touching that which is best for all, and not that which will abuse and torture and create suffering, all those wonderful things that are supposedly to be the great experience in HELL.

And when looking at this a little bit more closer, it is, from the perspective of what we can understand right HERE and see right HERE, without any difficulty------- We are in HELL on this Earth. There is no need for anyone or anything that is HERE to go to hell, because they are already HERE in Hell.

People please look at what we are doing and not doing on this earth and realize and see and understand that there is no-one but us doing and not doing all the nasty shit we all want to escape from and leave behind. So we have to STOP ourselves as ourselves, as of what we have become and create ourselves as that which is best for all, so that that place you want to run to after you die, can be right here without you having and needing to die to reach there, which is: " heaven''  We create that which heaven represent for real right here on this earth, all it takes is your dedication and commitment.

So join us and be part of the one's who are walking and creating this ''what is best for all ''


Larry Manuela

Sunday 13 November 2011

Why the fascination with ASSES...??

Lets look at this for a while.
Here we are as human beings and there are lots of other beings,lets give them the name that scientists are given them  ''mammals''

Now if you noticed and pay attention, you will see that most of them if not all have their excretion taking place in the back, where they can't look at it directly, it must happen way back.

And if you have a closer look within sexuality of this world this ASS is being given much attention and believe it or not, it plays a very important role in this game of sexuality, either you are a ASS-lover or not.
The woman will do anything to have a great looking ASS, because they know, they can reel in a guy much easier if they show a little bit of ASS, and it doesn't really matter how the ASS looks like, if it is; small, large, fatty looking, or whatever, as long as the image is imprinted into the minds of men with their likes and dislikes, that somehow that ASS must have something to do with it all in order to find someone attractive or not. And understand this is also the same when it comes to women looking at ASSES of men. And men also give their attention and necessary boost for the ladies to somehow like them so they can get into a sexual experience with them. It is you selling yourself and putting yourself in as a product and you are using your ASS to sell yourself, and the profit you will have is when you get to engage into sexual intercourse.

So why did God mystified and hypnotized us so much so that without this ASS, our sexual attention would be very low. I know that some of you would say: '' not me, i am not a ASS-lover..!!!! ''
As i said already, even when you are not a ASS-lover still it influences your decision making when choosing a mate, and it goes both ways, either it is a female-mate or a male-mate. And i am talking here about how you look at the physical body during your search for lessening  your sexual appetite.

So the ASS is like a final door, where the waste will go out of the system as the body.
So now, why did God made this body so that it must produce waste in order for the ASS to be the final destination of the waste out of the body. Meaning your ASS, is the last place your shit is going to see when leaving your body, and then it is goodbye forever. You have done great work accumulating the waste products of  metabolism and other waste materials that are not of any use in the body anymore, so now is your time to

So why did God create this ASS, what was ''his'' fascination with ASS, so much so that he had to give the human that round thing in the back with a crack in it...???
Why did god made the ASS to be attractive, be influential in looking for a mate..??

Now the ASS, has become especially in the entertainment industry a very important item, or advert, luring product for selling the body in many forms.
If you have a look at the ''stars'' the famous people in this world, they all have this fascination and this paying attention to their ASSES, they're choosing clothing that will make the ASS look so-called better. Now all this bullshit about how the ASS should look like and stuff is not important at all, because the ASS is fine for sitting on it, and also the fat/meat around the ASS-hole is there somehow for the protection from the environment, because this ASS-hole is very important for the excretion of the body, it must go out, and the ASS-hole is it's only way out, there is no other way that excretion can go out, but through and by that back door which we call the ASS-hole.

Everything you like or don't like about how an ASS should or should not be looking like is all programmed into you, through your environment you find yourself in, your culture. If you are born in a country where the majority of people have big ASSES, that would be your preference in most cases. If you are born in a country where the ASSES are a little Flat so to speak, you will not be attracted that easily to big ASSES. Now in this world you have all kinds of forms of ASSES, and all those ASSES have their particular lovers. But all in all, it makes you form an opinion about the act that you want to perform which is SEX. You have an idea that if the ASS is looking the way, you would like the ASS to look in your little bubble somehow you are going to have so much greater sex, because you have found the kind of ASS that arouses you, but you won't be very open about it. Because there is this taboo around it to. You make jokes about it with your friends and stuff like that, but you don't really take it to the depths of how it really influence you when looking for a mate to have sex with.

And on top of all this the ASS is being seen as this vile and dirty thing, the place where you should not go so to speak, but at the same time it attracts you, funny isn't it...???

So your ASS is showing you that you like so much the dirt, the vile, the waste that it even arouses you, when you are in denial of saying all those nasty and ugly and vile and dirty things about the function of your ASS. It is something you like to hide, put it somewhere far away, way in the back, where you don't have to smell nor see your own waste, exactly what you do with other wastes in this world, far away removed from your sight, but yet you keep on making more and more of it, and profit from making more of it.

So as you can see, your ASS has become a money making machine, in how it looks and also for what it does, which is the exit of your excretion.

Now that the pile of shit you produce is so big that you start to smell it from far away, you start to become worried that it will be in your backyard, and you don't want it there, you want it far away from you maybe in someone else backyard but not yours.

So the Shit is going to hit the fan and you are going to smell and see the shit you tried so hard to hide it from sight.
We should not be producing so much waste, it is not necessary, and we can change this by changing ourselves and bring about the equal money system where waste will be taken care of as should be and very little of it will exist. Because we will not produce shit that pile more shit to gain a profit, to make money.

And our ASSES will not be influential as of for us to get what we desire and want, when it comes to sexuality and money, in relation to our fears of survival.

So let us give our ASSES the value that it should have had, as all the other parts as your human physical body one and equal.


Larry Manuela

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Will there be a Wallstreet.??

So what does Wallstreet represent in this world..??

Wallstreet is a street in Newyork in America where the american stockmarket takes place.
Now it is the place where buyers and sellers meet, and decide on the prices, where most stocks are traded on exchanges.People on the trading floor are buying and selling some of the exchanges where the transactions are taking place.

  The other exchange is virtual, consisting of networks of computers where trades are being made electronically.

Now within an equal money system we will use the electronic part of the stockmarket. And we are not going to use it as the specialists are using it now, matching buyers and sellers, where the prices are being determined using a so-called auction method. Within this auction method they are using the current price as the highest amount any buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price someone is willing to sell. In this alone one can see the deception and the lie, because it is all fictional. In an equal money system prices of products and goods will not go up or down, because we will be dealing with the production price alone of any given product or goods. and the products and goods will be available because they are needed and required to support life, and not to make a profit. Profit-making will be a thing of the past in an equal money system.  All the prices will be the same world wide. Understand that all this is just for the smooth progress of the distribution of products and goods to reach their final destinations all over the world.

So within an equal money system Wallstreet will not exist, only the supercomputers that are being used there now to make a profit  for some individuals and companies and corporations will be programmed to support life. Buying and selling one can look at it as a means of facilitating the products and goods around the world in an orderly fashion to support life. Right now buying and selling has a tendency of paying for your DEBT link to them, and in an equal money system buying and selling are linked to GIVING, a point of exchanging gifts as our shared talents to support life.

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Larry Manuela

Sunday 23 October 2011

War crimes and equal money system.

First of all, before i continue with my blog here, i must address that WAR in itself will not exist in an equal money system. War in all it's manifested forms is a crime against life, all life. No matter how much one belief that one is protecting oneself and one's family or nation, war is always in all ways  a criminal activity. So if you who are reading this are a soldier or was a soldier understand that you are and you were a criminal and you actively participated in killing other human beings for whatever reason you may want to justify what you did as a soldier. War is totally unacceptable..!!! We should not even be talking about this bullshit, but for now we have to, because we have accepted and allowed ourselves to fall so low, that we are ready at any given moment to destroy other people's lives and all in the name of greed and power.To protect our so-called freedoms from others.

Now the whole lot of justice systems in this world have laws that are against criminals that commit crimes when they were participating in war abroad or in their own country. The stupidity/absurdity of this alone is beyond imagination. First of all the laws are accepting and allowing war to exist, we even have a defence minister for crying out loud and allowing soldiers to be trained to kill people, that is their jobs, that is what they are being drilled to do, and finally when they do go out and perform what they have been drilled to do, and they get a little more crazier( fun in their terminology) than expected they are being prosecuted for doing so. There is just no justice at all in all this none sense. The laws are then prescribing that killing is o.k. and it should happen only in an orderly fashion, in this case, to kill other soldiers or anyone whom are consider to be the enemy.

The very industry that supports war in itself is not being prosecuted at all. I am talking about the law makers, the weapon engineers, all the tax-payers, the government, every high and low ranking officer in war, including every soldier or marine or special forces, everyone and each is responsible for a war to take place in this world, even the countries who are not involved where the war is taking place, you know: ''ground zero''

In an equal money system all these people will be institutionalized  and  be supported and assisted to deprogram themselves using the tools of self-forgiveness and self-honesty, corrective application and breathing, till they can stand as one as equals to all life. So those who are in jail right now, will just be relocated into institutions where they will be educated how to live for real in this world practically without harming nor abusing life in anyways whatsoever. Of course there are those who have completely lost it, that cure is no more possible, these people will just be institutionalized and supported in the best way possible till the day will come and they breathe their last breath.

Jail in there manifested form will not exist in an equal money system, only institutions for rehabilitation.

Criminals who has been sentenced in jail for having done cruel crimes, hard core crimes, like killing other people, raping and abusing, will go directly in the rehabilitation institutions in this world to be educated on how to live as one as equals in a society where only equals live. And criminals who has been sentenced because they have stolen or have been dealing in drugs will be let free, but must go to the re-education just like any other human being is going to be going through, again to learn to live as equals here in this physical reality, practically. And they are going to have to proof it by their living application to show if they understood what they have learned,and that they can be trusted with life. Understand that this is a process that every individual human being is going to go through, all are going to learn how to live practically without harming nor abusing life in it's entirety, thus a complete re-education will take place. The educational system will be completely new.

There will be only one law, and that is: '' what is best for all life always in all ways, everywhere''

Every decision is going to be based on that one law, every thing made and produced to, always taking all life in consideration. The engineers and scientists who are right now building weapons will also go through the re-educational program and will use their talents to come up with machines that support and assist all life for the benefit of all life at the utmost degree that they are capable to perform in a given moment. Everything will be given to them, there will be no limits as is of right now, everything will be provided for, for them to come-up and built the best possible equipment or machines to support and assist all life.

Those who are soldiers right now and that have learn how to build roads and bridges and learn how to assist within difficult times, will be given their talents to restore the damage we all have done in this world and will help rebuilding the structures and will also be very helpful in distribution of necessary needs in the places that are right now without any. So those of you who believe that in an equal money system there will be nothing to do and all the none sense, as you can see, there will be a lot of work to be done in the initial stages to put everything in gear for the world that will be the place where life is dignified for every living creature.

Want to know more in detail..??

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Larry Manuela

Friday 14 October 2011


When i looked within me i see how the more i have come to see the filth that we have created, how angry i became at myself and others as me, for we all are not taking our responsibilities for what we do and don't do.

The anger of the knowing that children are being raped.
The anger that children are dying in wars fought by/through adults.
The anger of children dying, because they have no food to eat.
The anger of those of us who are ''believing'' we are good people, because we follow some
stupid believe, that tell us that because we believe it, we are ''good people'' when the whole world is fucked, and ignored by and through these same bullshit believes.
The anger that politicians and voters are all deluded, and delusional to believe that they can somehow change what is natural in the system as the system by using system tools of old, rooted in greed and deception and lies when knowing they never worked.
The anger to see how we rest ourselves in believes instead of living life, this is all you can do with and as life, you can only live it, and only living it is beyond greatness.
The anger that we don't care for life, and yet our human physical body is an expression of/as life.
The anger that we believe we are incapable to do something about it, because it is too overwhelming, too out of our reach so to speak, when it is all created by and through our own participation in it, either directly or indirectly.
The anger to always wanting to save your ass, and not to save all asses.
The anger to exploit children to prostitution.
The anger of indulging in prostitution and pornography and explicit sexual contextual images and thoughts.
The anger of leaving it all for the sake of some God of sorts to sort it all out, but not me...!!!
The anger to choose your mind above life.
The anger to put importance in what is rooted in/as your mind in separation to life.
The anger to intoxicate yourself with alcohol  and all kinds of drugs, creating more mental bullshit in order to try to escape in your mind the reality your body is going through and not only yours, but all bodies.

I can keep on going forever with these anger that i felt once, but little by little i am receding them with being as my breath here, where reality has it's being.

Learn self-forgiveness, and be self-honest in this and breathe your way through in your application of living your self-forgiveness, so you become a real example of how to live as living actual physical expression in this physical reality.

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Here you will learn how to be a practical with a lot of care human being for once and for all.


Larry Manuela

Was it that Jesus died for your sins, or Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins...??

A long time ago this was a discussion between me and a friend of mine, it was a time when i was very much into studying the bible, looking for answers and trying to give meaning to all the shit that is HERE.

So the discussion we were having was about Jesus dying for our sins, or Jesus dying so that our sins can be forgiven. According to the bible my friend was right, that Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins, but by looking back at this bullshit right now in common sense, there are lots of points within this discussion. Why..??

First of all Jesus being a scapegoat and second the whole concept of needing to be of sin, being a sinful person, a kind of debt you have to pay to god. Thirdly Jesus cannot personally delete the shit you have done using forgiveness, it is a tool that you have to use yourself, and walk/live your forgiveness for it to be valid. And the world is the proof for this, because Jesus was killed but yet all is the same and even getting worse with each passing day, or better yet, with each passing hours, soon it will become minutes and than seconds. Soon to become the perfect compounded effect of all of our abdication of our responsibilities. The great fucked up consequences we have been creating since day one. If our input was ''what is best for all'' since day one, our output(consequences) would have been the same: ''what is best for all''

Right now our input is: ''what is best for me, and fuck the rest'' so our output is exactly that the rest being fucked by me. All the me's that have a best way of living, and this is just to say so, because in reality those who are looking like they are having and living as the best are all controlled by/through money, without that money they are nothing, their lives have no meaning. They will not know how to live. They only know how to fuck others so their lives can look like they are living as the best.

So my friend was implying that Jesus died so God can than through Jesus death forgive us for what we have done. What the fuck...!!

With this God is than saying and implying to the believer that only an INNOCENT, because Jesus was innocent had no sins as the rest, have to be sacrificed in order for God to so-called forgive those who believe in ''him,'' those who do not believe in him who created them in the first place are going to be left out, are going to be fucked by this so-called God of goodness, God of love.

So in this bible you have lots of contradictions, because here you have Jesus telling people to forgive one another and yet, he himself as an innocent must give his own life as an innocent for the forgiveness to work, so in other words, you have to come to a point of being innocent for the forgiveness to work. So how the fuck is this Jesus in the bible expecting the sinners to forgive one another when the fuckers are all not innocent at all...?? They're all living as sinners according to the bible, and sinners can't forgive no-one because you have to be innocent. That is why Jesus told the masses to; ' to let the children come to me'

So our children are pure expressions of innocence, when we rape them and take their innocence away by teaching them the ways of the world, the ways of the system of the world, where the so-called SINNERS are teaching the INNOCENT how to become SINNERS.  How fucked-up is this..!!

So you can see in the paragraph above that all is in reverse, it is us the grown-ups who have to learn from the children how to become innocent again. I don't think there is a big enough jail in this world to hold all the sinners of this world as parents who are raping the hell out of their own children in this world.

So let us use forgiveness as a tool and correct ourselves from all the misconceptions and delusions we have created in this world and stop believing in whatever, and start living for real. And let us learn from our children instead of raping them all the time of their innocence.

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Larry Manuela

Thursday 13 October 2011

Some common sense perspectives.

If God is omniscience, why then allow suffering of the innocent, and suffering in all sense of the word..??
If God is omnipotent, why isn't he/she/it doing something, taking his/her/it's responsibility for creating all of what exists....???
If God is omnipresent, he/she/it, can not say i wasn't there, because he/she/it is everywhere..??

Now everywhere means what...?? he/she/it is the smallest particles there are, and even there where they all become bigger. He/she/it is there where all the energies are, all the kinds of energies imaginable and not imaginable.

Do we believe we understand life..??  Or do we believe that life is only those things that have a language that makes sound, the rest that doesn't make sound is not of life, but yet those little atoms have come together and form all the forms that are here, and some forms may have a voice, a sound, a movement, you know what you human understand as movement in relation to your comparison, as how you walk and talk and have your vocal cords and stuff like that.

Take a look at your human physical body. It is only through your mouth that you have a voice, i mean that your mind can hear, through your ears on the side of your head, the rest of the parts of your body you can't hear them, and yet all of them together with your ears and mouth and everything else is made out of the same atoms that has become molecules and cells you name it, till they reached the final form of one particular form. It can be your nail, the hairs on your arms and legs, whatever form individually it doesn't matter, they are all of the same substance which we call MATTER.

So now these little things are coming together and because of them coming together their form changes, because they are now a group of individuals forming something together, and we give name to all the groups that they form together, and the group now becomes one individual but yet it's form is made out of lots of other individuals so that it can have it's individuality. So it's individuality is very strong dependent on the togetherness of the parts that made it the individual that it is, but it cannot exist as individual without the parts that are also individuals on their own.

So let us now move to one of those individuals that has become an individual because of lots and lots and lots of individual parts coming together so it can also have it's individuality.......a.k.a.= the human, and specifically that human physical body. Now as the human physical body we can see that those little guys are doing a very good job and they have something to teach us, that oneness and equality is what they are showing, expressing through the very holding together the whole human physical body and all working together for each human physical body to have it's own so-called: individuality.

So those little guys did not only come together to form just human physical bodies, they have also come together to form other physical expressions or bodies, but that we as humans will not see as bodies, we will see them as (things).

Now i am putting this here in a very simple way, so you guys can keep up with the understanding of how there must be something that is somehow interfering within this togetherness that in itself has no war going on, no hate, no judgement, they just come together and express themselves freely.

So the problem the very thing we are using to question these things is the problem, that is what is not included within all this togetherness that is going on, all this oneness and equality that is going on beneath the surface of this MIND delusion.

The very fact, that you are reading this, and the very fact that you are understanding this, is the very fact that you are lost, because you are unaware of that language, that togetherness, that oneness and equality that you as a human physical body is. But yet you talk of the human physical body as less then what you believe yourself to be, and yet you can't even communicate with that which you are formed from. You can't communicate with any part of your body, you don't even understand it. And remember the you i am talking to right now, is the you of your mind, not the you as the human physical body, that you, you do not know what it is, because you have never lived as it yet, you are only abusing it, so you can believe yourself to be more then it, but yet without it, there is no YOU possible, you won't be able to see these letters.

So you that reads this, understand that you must become aware of you as that mind that you are right now, in order for you to then see why it is you are not part of all the parts that come together to form oneness and equality, how it is you never understood it, and how it is you don't see it as life.

Can you imagine if you could made out of the ocean lots and lots of different forms, but yet they will be of the ocean as different forms. You can form a human form, a elephant form, a dear form, a house form, a sun form, all kinds of form, but yet they will all have the same substance that will be the ocean. That would be their oneness and equality. So if the human form decides to kill or harm itself and other forms would it not be killing and harming itself as the ocean which is it's substance...??

So you and i, we need to wake-up, and start taking our responsibility for what we have created, abusing the FORMS that we are. This is all we are doing as MIND robots.Harming and destroying forms, nothing else, and this must STOP, and we must do this together as oneness and equality as our physical bodies are showing through their expression as us, as the physical body that we are.


Larry Manuela

Thursday 6 October 2011

Shameful gesture.

Today when i was cycling to work, and i always take the root through the park, because it shortens my way to work.
Now as i was in the park, i saw a girl sitting on the pathway, and the bicycle was thrown next to her and a boy was standing next to her and she was like reaching, extending her hands to him, trying to grab his pants, and as i got closer and closer i was looking at the boys face, to see if i can find any  bad intentions within his face, because one never knows..??  It could have been that he was trying to abuse this girl, so i looked at him to find any dubious expression in his face, and try and find a way to stop whatever then. But at as i was getting closer and closer and i could see that it was about relationship. And as many of us know, it was certainly about the break of a relationship between two people. In the face expression of the guy i could see, that he was looking down at the girl and thinking: ''shit, what now...should i pick her up or should i leave her...?''

But in his face was also the expression of ''feeling sorry'' for her. So when i was next to them i saw that the girl was drunk and was crying and was asking, or more like begging him to not to leave her. And as i was cycling to them i was already breathing and taking care of my 4 count breath, but at the moment i was close enough to them and i could see that the girl was drunk and stuff, and i saw how she was crying and begging, a thought pop-up in my mind: '' maybe she have done, something in the bar tonight because she was drunk and the guy got jealous and angry and want to leave her now.''  and also: '' how much lower can someone go and get in order to find out that love is not real..?''    And i must say i felt a little shame for her and also petty for both of them to have fallen for the love drug.

This little moment made me realize even more that love is certainly a very effective drug, that can make you do harmful things to your physical body.

The day i will be in an agreement with someone or not, love would be something i know must be cultivated and be understood equally in each person for us to have a sane and fruitful relationship otherwise, above scenarios are going to continue happening all over the place.

Self-forgiveness on the thoughts:

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the thought about the guy in the park when i project my thought on to him and thought to myself that this guy must be thinking: ''shit, what now........should i pick her up or should i leave her..??'' when in reality he might not have been thinking that at or something completely different.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect the the thought:  ''shit, what now........should i pick her up or should i leave her..??'' with the visual content that was being portrayed in front of me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the thought: '' how much lower can someone go and get in order to find out that love is not real..?? ''

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the thought:  '' maybe she have done something in the bar tonight because she was drunk and the guy got jealous and angry and want to leave her now.''

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge these two people without even having a talk to them to see what was really happening.

I forgive myself  for accepting and allowing myself to have thought in relation to what i see.

 Self-corrective statements:

I realize that i let myself judge others when i encounter myself into possible scenarios of harm.

I realize that love makes one do strange and stupid things.

I realize that no matter what i think for them going through the whole event or moment is not gonna change anything for them.

Self-corrective application:

Whenever i see myself in scenarios with possibility of someone getting hurt i just breathe, and do what is necessary to be done if there is harm going on, because if not so, i am only mind fucking myself with thoughts that may or may not be at all what is really busy happening.


Larry Manuela