Monday 29 August 2011


Now i was looking at this point within our world and was asking myself, why are we so stupid to have come to accept prices without any real knowledge as of who is deciding what should be the price of any goods or services.

And the brainwashing is so extensive that people tend to look at the price of some goods/product and based on the whole brainwashing in their own little country consider the price to be high or not, and using comparison of what the price used to be in the past, it can be a distant past or a near past. But no-one is questioning how the heck they came to accept and allow a group of people to decide what price should be given to goods/products and/or services. Someone just made it up and then everybody else followed like sheep, and the whole market forces delusion is just that a delusion, because those so-called market forces that they are saying are determining the prices are all run by human beings, it is human beings playing with numbers.

And the numbers are all already determined by people like you and me.
They are telling you that because we have limited resources and every time the resources get diminished and the demand is increasing the price must go up to hold the balance between the resource that is diminishing and the demand that is increasing but this has it's time where there could just be no more of the resources left for any demand that would exist, because the balance is a lie.
You cannot balance something that is limited, that can become none existent, like the resources we are using, once it's done it's done, no matter how much demand there is for it, so there is no way to balance it.

It is all just a big lie from those in so-called power to continue with their fear of survival, where they believe with all their hearts that they MUST no matter what try whatever and however they can to gain more and more of that thing that is called: ''money'' in order to be on the save side, to be in the position where they are the winners. But at the end of the day the cruel reality will dawn upon them that they as all of the rest were all losers, because how can you win when you continue depleting the resources of the very home you are living in/ this case EARTH.

So the only so-called balancing that is going on is in the numbers in the computers put their by and through men. There is where the balancing is going on, but not in the real world where if what is used is not being used properly it will diminish and eventually not exist anymore.

So why are we so inclined with this money, money, money...??

Yes we have come to an agreement even though it was passively done, that money should be the point of exchange, but money instead has become a way to buy your survival, because that is what we are really busy doing;'buying our survival out'

This means that the creators of this money has attached a string to it, so they can always pull it back from you to them again, and that string is: ''DEBT''

Now what happens is, you are now in a position that you have to owe someone in order to eat, in order to sleep, in order to protect your body from the environment, in order to take care of your health, in order to educate yourself, all the basic needs that are of importance to your human physical body are now something you owe someone.

This should not be so, because we as humans all of us have a physical body that is in need of all these things and as a matter of fact our earth is providing all these things for us for free. But no, we had to find a way to mess things up by making our bodily survival difficult and in doing this we mess up the way we live with each other and the animals and the plants and the whole earth itself. what a mess..!!!!

So i looked at people when they are walking around and are trying to buy things, and how they look at the prices and say: ''OMG, this is to expensive........or OMG this is very cheap''
But within all this what they're doing, they don't even know that they are in actuality participating in an illusion created by the magicians, the numbers, the price is fictional not real. The thing you are looking at or you are trying to buy has a price you did not participate coming up with, the only thing you did was accept it as real and allow it to be as a value, where you can compare one product with another and believe the one should be more or less expensive, or more or less cheaper.

The value you see of the product or item you want to purchase or for the service you want to pay, is only that in your head, put there for you to do your magic trick with believing yourself to know it all, that you can really value things based on prices....what a joke..!!

When in reality this pricing of things based on fictional and delusional values has taken the real values out of things, of goods, of resources. Because now, the price is much more important then the resource, the price is now determining the value of the resource, and not the resource itself as itself having it's value as of what it is, and can be used for.
The real value of any resource is what it can truly contribute to support all life equally, how it can be produced and shared as best as possible to all life.

That is why we need an equal money system where all what is HERE is taken good care of and for and provided for in the best ways possible and bringing as little or no harm at all to what is HERE. We make then together our experience HERE on this planet one that is truly pleasant and truly worth living so when we leave this planet we leave a planet where our children and their children are proud of what those who went before them has left them with.
If you are one who really cares, one who has had enough of all the abuse in this world on all levels i will suggest you join us and help us come up with more great ideas as how to come about with the implementation of this new, really totally new system that takes everyone and everything into consideration always.


Larry Manuela

Sunday 28 August 2011

why the taboo on death of animals.

I don't know if anyone have noticed, but there is this point i have realized that is very fascinating.

You see whenever.....ooh yes, before i continue let me say that this is a point i see in myself when looking at it, how i see the whole thing.
So whenever we come across a animal who has died, you know, you just happen to walk somewhere and you stumble on a dead animal lying on the ground, there is this ''feeling'' and ''thoughts'' about the death of this animal, it is almost like, because it is not everyday that someone comes across dead animals lying around i mean; 'that death have come and give them a visit, this is something you tend to be more apparent as with humans, but not animals'

It is not like we walk and encounter dead animals all over the place, or we are hearing of dead animals being found all over the place, you know like people are dying..??   Remember i am not talking about the animals that are being slaughtered or killed by other animals, but animals that die of natural causes as they say, it is just their time to go.

Why i was looking at this point is because Bernard was talking about; 'us humans can also eat of the animals that has just died of natural dead'
And when i look at all this i see within myself that when i was used to come across a dead animal when i was younger it was like a strange thing to look at, because in my life it seem as if animals don't die that much, it's almost like they can live very long, so when you encounter one of them that you always assume that maybe it got poisoned or was killed somehow by another animal that is it's predator, but mostly we don't see the whole thing as a normal natural death that could have happened, this is in my experience then to say the least.

And because of that then is this fear that the meat of this animal is not good to eat anymore, because now you can get poisoned if you eat that meat, meat of the dead animal who just died of natural causes, it's day has come to

This means that our interaction with the animal  kingdom  is now almost nothing, because when i look at where i live now, i can almost say that i haven't come across any dead animal lying on the road or something or in the bushes if there is some dead animal it is maybe because they have some tragedy with being hit by a car or something, but to just lay there because it's day has come is almost not happening.

This is so interesting, because then it gives one the impression that animals don't die that much and often as humans due to natural causes, it is like they go living forever, but the reality is, it is us who are so separated from them and their reality that makes us believe that they are not dying like we are dying of natural causes like we do, their day has come and they have to go


Larry Manuela

Wednesday 24 August 2011

a question about life...???

Have you not noticed and question why it is most if not all do not know what life is....??

The moment one ask the question to anyone in this existence: ''what is life,''   they all have different interpretations and reasons as to answer what life is. Very fascinating.!!

So i ask myself the question over and over: '' how come me and all the rest is alive, we know we are living, that we are living beings, but yet none of us have the same answer to the question of what life is...??? When we are all experiencing the same life.

Could it be that the very thing we are using to question with is and can be the  problem and the very thing that does not know what life is, but yet it is here...??

Because words are of the mind, and when questioning, we are using words that are of the mind, so how come we can't all use the same words even in different languages and give the same answer when the question of: ''what is life'' is being asked...??

So that concludes that the mind does not know what life is, otherwise that question would not have existed ever. The very quest for life is and means that you do not know what it is, and yet you are alive, ra ra ra, how can that be....???

So within common sense one can see very clearly and obvious that the mind does not know what life is, and this means that it must never ever experienced life then...??  It never experienced being alive, otherwise it would have known what life is, that question would not exist ever in the mind if it knew what life is. And this means that if we are using that thing we call; 'mind' to interpret life, we are then not ever going to find out, because it doesn't know, it has no answer, because the mind is here for a very long time and has been with humanity for centuries upon centuries and generations upon generations and yet it doesn't know what life is.

For many people they don't ask these simple questions and yet when asked they would say: ''why bother..??''
Then immediately the question becomes difficult, and yet it is suppose to be a very obvious question when you realize how the fuck it is i am questioning life, when i am alive. I am not suppose to ask a question regarding something that i am, i can't be; 'not knowing' what i am, when i am what i am..??
So common sense dictates then that the only way i am going to find out what life is, would be not in participation of the mind or using the mind for the the obvious question, i should be looking to be one and equal to that very thing i am asking question about which is: ''life.''

And if i am one and equal with life, would i then question life...??  Wouldn't i be living as life then one and equal..??

So the mind is not life.


Larry Manuela

Friday 12 August 2011

Why youtube why...??

As many of us had come to see allot of videos of desteni has been removed by youtube and they don;t have any real viable reason to do this.
The only conclusion one can come to is that someone who is paying youtube has requested this.

Now what does that mean about us with our message...??

It means that what we are saying and have been saying, and it is all about; being self-honest, self-forgiveness, about the history of mankind from the dimensions, exposure to the things we do and not do, our selfishness, oneness and equality, writing ourselves to freedom, being HERE, breathing etc etc.....

Now just because we are taking on all that is HERE and put it in front of our faces and your faces so we can see how it is we are abusing life on all levels, how we are creating all that is HERE ourselves, we are being removed.

This means than that we are saying and have been saying is getting allot of people very upset. Look at all that is on youtube, they don't care about them and remove their channels.

So i would say: '' thank you youtube for making me even more aware of what i am doing is what is really best for all, what all don't want in this world, they would rather have a world where only a few could have what is best for them on the expense of others like them on the same planet that is providing for all life equally''


Larry Manuela