Wednesday 29 December 2010

why the questions...??

As we all know, and for those who don't know, you must understand that your questioning is much, much more of importance then the answer your seeking, which in most cases you don't even know. don't you find it interesting and fascinating how every single being is much more capable of asking their own questions, but very bad at finding whatever the answer would be, isn't it strange...???

I will start this blog with simple perspectives, so anyone can understand them, i am not going to use big words in order to appear intelligent, because intelligence is limitation by all means.

Why do we question things....??? Probably it is when one is experiencing some dificulty in life, or something seem to be not fitting, it just does not seem right, it doesn't make any sense at all.

If one is very vigilant one can start asking these questions, and be critical at what are usually very acceptable under the common world population, here and there, there might be some differences, when it comes to culture and country and language, and believes, whatever they might be, but in general, things look very much the same everywhere. E.g. no-one can say they do not understand poverty, or they don't understand pain, be it an emotional pain or physical pain, it doesn't matter, anyone regardless of their position on the planet and their language, their believes, if they are intelligent or not, poor or rich, they all know these things, it is understandable by all, the experience of it all differ, but the understanding not...!!

Let us have a look at the earth. Why is it supporting us unconditionally when we are abusing it, and destroying it, for the purpose, or under the guise of profit, and profit is always linked to selfishness, never ever to equality and oneness. Profit is a ''gain'', ''having more then'' what do you gain when you are trying your best to have it all when you are a product of the very thing that is supporting you...?? this means that in the end, profit will lead to destruction, total destruction.

Now lets look at the formation of your entirety. If you are as your scientists are telling you a product of atoms coming together in a agreement, the same atoms that formed the earth, why is it that you are unaware of that where you came out of from....??? Don't you find it strange, that a scientist is looking at the very building-block of his/her whole physical manifestation, but yet cannot communicate with it in no ways whatsoever......??  How is this possible....??  And even to go as far as to give it a name, but yet not knowing at all what the heck that thing really is and don't understand it at all...?? What is keeping you of not communicating with that thing that you are...??  They are obviously communicating to each other to hold that thing you look at in the mirror, so what is going on...?? 

Now we have some things we call ''organs'' in our body, they are like systems and they seem to run on a automatic pilot, we don't direct them and we are unaware of their functioning in every moment we breathe. We are even unaware of our own breath in every moment, why is this...???

Can it not be that our mind might be the problem here....???  The thing that we accept unconditionally in our midst, without question.

Lets look at this mind thing. There are names for its levels. They call them: un-conscious, sub-comnscious, and the conscious. What most do not know is that the emotions and the feelings also belong to this machine.

Let us ask question and see where it will take us. As they say, the mind is leveled, now that means that all those three levels are within the mind, thus meaning that the mind is capable of holding them as one together. Now why is the surface level incapable of looking into the the levels under it, while the whole mind as the machine is functioning using all of them...??

why are you and i not aware of the sub-conscious and unconscious levels, when it is all here as the mind...??

Is a memory real....???  why then hold on to it, when it is not of your reality..??? Why does it vanish and leave no trase at all for you to find it, and would that be of any meaning when you find a memory. Is the memory not of  something always that has happend already, so why do we give it so much importance..??   Even if you can record it for the so-called future generation, a simple wipe out of the previous generation can make all that recording as none-existent. So what is our fear of loosing our memories if it can be wiped out anyways leaving no traces.....???

Imagine if you could live the fullness of what you are without harming another in its manifested expression, whatever the  manifestation of life that you choose to express yourself as, just live it completely out in every moment that you are here, would a memory of all that be valid, would it have any purpose, if i already lived the fullness of what i am as manifested expression....???  Does it make sense to you..???

I am going to use myself as an example. if i live me, larry full out, knowing already that this expression as Larry is going to be lived, just once, in this existence, and i live it full out, would a memory of what i already lived ful out be neccessary...??  It is only when i have missed something or didn't live me full out would i be looking for a memory, when i missed life.

So this means we are missing living all the time, because we are in our minds, the place where memories are, so putting the mind to questioin lead us to, the mind being not real. life is real, not the mind, that is why the people at desteni are saying to stop your mind, forgive you, and apply yourself in oneness and equality in every moment of breath, because there alone are you real and here. That is why i join them and i am in my process of stopping this machine that is running amock.

So you as me who have been searching, who have been saying that you want change in this world, i ask you to consider and look at what we create together and realize this first and stop it and then we can start walking as one as equals to be one as equals in every here moment of breath.

The ultimate and ''goodness'' is your oneness as equality as all as life right here, to take the road of no return because it is time to do so, if you are all serious about what you won't accept and allow within your world, it is the only way out, there no other way out, and i am not saying this from the perspective of a believe, but form the perspective of what is common sense,what we can all see and realize and understand regardless of what you believe and where you are from and how you communicate, it all doesn't matter as long as we know we are all one as equals to all.

Bye bye.....

Larry Manuela

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